Saturday, June 27, 2009

Not Showers, Its Pouring

I am finding the blog word processor very frustrating. It will not let me add words to the dictionary like FHE, it has a habit of taking out my paragraph breaks, and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to put a picture mid-post. I know these should not be the biggest concerns in my life, but still it is enough to be irksome.

I missed a day of blogging for the first time yesterday. This was due to the fact that I was go from morn' to well into the eve. I went to work more tired than usual due to the fact that I am currently caught up in a book I am reading. Lunch at Taco Cabana did not help the feeling less than myself.

After I got off, I rushed home and got ready for the bridal shower. I must say I had a grand time at the shower. I don't know when I have hung out with that specific combination of girls, but it made for a nice blend. The party activities were relatively short in comparison to many others I have been to, but that just left more time to eat and chat. I was a bit self-conscious when I first got there until I realized everyone was. But at the end of the night I got a nice confidence bolster when AK told me I had a hot stomach. You can't pay for that kind of feel-good.

After leaving there, I went to spend some quality time with Moe. Last weekend's funtivities ignited a desire to see more of her. We went over to her man's house and in Moe's immortal words, "Got our Lost on". One and a half episodes in, Frankie came home looking very tired and thinner than in recent memory. It could have been the cut of the shirt or sugar-free June catching up with him. You could see the tiredness etched into his face and looking out from his eyes. I feel bad for him. When he says that he is never home, I actually believe him. Between work, his enormous calling, family, friends, and what ever time he needs for himself, I have no doubt he is burning the candle at both ends. It makes me want to shoulder some of the load, but do not know in what ways I can help.

My need and desire to help is a trap in and of itself. Too oft those I try to help do not know what to make of it, and in the end it pushes them away. In my continuing campaign to become a better person, this is one of the things that I have been working on. It is not just about offering my help, but it has to also be about offering help in a way that they are comfortable with and feel like they are in a place to accept it. I have been told that the way I go about it sometimes make people feel beholden to me. Sigh. Somewhere I missed the day on what is socially appropriate and what is not. Does anyone have those note that I could borrow?

Our Lost-a-thon, put me to bed well after 2:30. In my haste to get home I realized that I did not even fold my blanket or put my cup up before I left. Some guest I am. With my late night, morning came shockingly soon. When the alarm went off to rouse me for work, I was very confused, with it being a Saturday and all, and just laid there momentarily, attempting to find my bearings. With my eyes closed, I could hear the dog getting up. Isn't it great that he knows what the alarm is for too? Perhaps he is not as dumb as I think.

KS was the doctor on call this weekend, and consequently, we got free breakfast. I know this is no consolation to the 8:00 arrival time and the fact that this means that I will have 12 of no sleeping in. Work marched on at a moderate pace. Twenty-five patients, minimal phone calls, and only five speculums; it could have been way worst. Now I am off to get ready for a baby shower. Update to follow...

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